Tuesday, April 15, 2008


It's after midnight, and two hours after I took the phenergan that's supposed to help me sleep and I'm still wide awake, again. Normally this wouldn't really bother me, but I have to get up a bit earlier than usual tomorrow, so it's annoying. I probably should be in bed instead of complaining about it here, but I'll get there soon.

This is the least creative based post ever. Tomorrow, I hope that Vance's Darifree Original will arrive on my doorstep and that it will taste ok to me. What? Why? It's a potato based milk. I think I have some kind of intolerance to dairy (as well as wheat), so I need to try going off it for a few weeks to see what happens. The problem so far has been finding an alternative for milk. Rice milk and soy milk both taste gross to me - especially in coffee. The Darifree has been recommended to me, so I really, really hope that it's ok. I can live without cheese, and cream, and sour cream, and yoghurt, and milkshakes and all of that, but that one cup of coffee in the morning, with it's 3/4 cup of milk is just something I can't live without at this stage. And putting yucky milk into it isn't an option.

So, if the Darifree is good, then tomorrow (or the next day - whenever it arrives), I will start my dairy elimination. I hope that it will mean the end of the itches, the reflux, the allergy shiners, and the insomnia.

Oh and I got a new kitten a month ago and he's sooooo lovely! Sooooo different to devil cat and so snuggly. Yay for friendly kitties!

And I finally posted the PJs and they fit the boys and look awesome!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hot off the press...

Or something like that! Just finished this lush bag tonight. Very, very happy with it. My customers choose such great fabrics and the faux suede I found to go with the print is so nice! The bag looks extra expensive to me. I hope it's new owner will love it!